cool zodiac stuff, please dont sue me
Good Games
nothing yet
nothing yet

well, this is my first web page.
uh... if there is anything on here that is illegal, please tellme, please dont sue, im only doing this web page to let people get games, all of them are free demos, or freeware, that i have dowloaded elsewhere and am simply consolidating them

     day three, not much new, 48 hit, sweet, more popular than i expected :P but its all good, email me any links you want put on the page, or any suestions you have, i am more than willing to try them, if there not syupid, also please, please please inform me of any typos, i want a nice webpage if possible
     well, day two, i have a couple of links, clifrotz is done, and castaway, is kinda done, expect more stuff every day
insert todays date here
well, my website is up, soon i will put some cool games and stuff in the links to the left, only time will tell how much i will get done

hmm, i will post some more stuff here when i get the chance

if something is wrong, please tell me, and by clicking on anything on this page, you agree not to sue me... please
if you have any suggestions, or links, or downloads, please e-mail me at
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